So I decided to get out the ol' leather jacket that was gifted to me by my stepdad about two years ago now. I refuse to buy real leather anything, but because this was a gift, I decided to keep it, especially as I didn't actually own anything like a leather jacket previously. This has been a staple ever since. It really adds that edge to any outfit, especially if the outfit's too "cute" or too "sexy" or too feminine.
Leather jacket = Next Red bodycon skirt = boutique |
Black flats = Priceless Shoes |
Necklace = eBay |
Indigo-blue satin top = vintage |
I'm so relieved it's finally the weekend. I'm currently spending my Friday night with my ill stepdad, watching X Machines and How It's Made. I feel like such a man with both these shows about industrial, heavy duty machinery. I'm still not ashamed to admit I'm enjoying them.
How is your Friday night going? Are you doing anything exciting, or just vegetating on the sofa watching manly documentaries? Let me know!