I get home pretty late from college most days of the week, and so by that time, the light is just all gone. It's usually pitch dark when I get in- and that makes for a really difficult picture-taking situation, as I'm sure some of you will empathise with. Therefore, I've simply got to apologise for the quality of these photographs, and the fact that I've had to resort to taking them in my room again. They're a lot better than eyes-half-closed, everything-bleached-out photographs outside in the dark with flash on, though.
Let's get to it.
I know it's been a while since my last post, but like I said, the light's been awful. And not to mention, I've been ill since Wednesday evening! Lots of coursework deadlines around right now, too. Can't wait till February half term, if I'm honest. But more than that, I can't wait for my birthday in eleven days- I'm turning eighteen!
- Anshika